Bluewater Announces ‘Fame: Tommy Wiseau’
Building off the success of their line of biographical comics that have tackled such influential figures as Barack Obama, John McCain, Lady GaGa and Stephenie Meyer, Bluewater Productions announced today that the next step in their stated mission to give everyone who has ever been on television a 22-page biocomic: "Fame: Tommy Wiseau."
Wiseau, a Hollywood mainstay, is best known as the writer/director/producer/excutive producer/star of "The Room," his 2003 debut film which has grossed over $300 billion and become an annual tradition on the Cartoon Network. Bluewater has promised that Wiseau's issue of "Fame" will be a must-have for "Room" fans, including a ten-page sequence that, according to the press release, will recap the movie in "a bunch of screenshots run through a PhotoShop filter with some word balloons dropped on fumetti style."
Wiseau himself seems extremely excited about the comic, responding to our request for comment by telling ComicsAlliance that not having a comic book biography was "TEARING ME APART!"