While other sites may be content to bring you Rocktober, Shocktober or Mohawktober, ComicsAlliance is committed to commemorating the things that really matter! That's why this month, we're bringing you 31 days of the submission hold that won 16 World Championships with our celebration of Figure-Four Leglocktober!DID YOU KNOW...

  • Despite my best efforts at celebrating in our preferred medium, the image above is actually not from a comic -- there would've undoubtedly been Figure-Fours all over Marvel's WCW series if Ric Flair hadn't been in WWF at the time, and Scorpion Deathlocktober is just ridiculous. It was, however illustrated by comics artist Wook-Jin Clark, creator of Oni's upcoming Megagogo, for print celebrating the Dirtiest Player in the Game.
  • Traditionally, the counter to the Figure-Four is rolling over to "reverse the pressure" onto the attackers' knees, but anyone who was raised in the south and spent any time wrestling out in the yard will realize that this is not actually the case.

Join us tomorrow for more Figure-Four Leglocktober celebrations!

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