ComicsAlliance Heads to HeroesCon — Come to Our ‘Ask Chris’ Panel!
If you're heading to HeroesCon this weekend, we got good news: We're coming too! The entire senior staff -- Laura Hudson, Caleb Goellner, and Chris Sims -- is traveling to Charlotte, NC to cover the event, and as a special bonus feature, we'll have our own ComicsAlliance panel at 2 PM on Sunday in Room 206 where you can thrill to meeting us all in person!
We'll be doing a special live version of our "Ask Chris" feature, which we imagine will look a lot like the Rusty Shackles image above, where Chris and I brawl it out while Caleb quietly judges us from the sidelines. Mostly, though, we're going to need you to make the panel go round, so bring the questions that burn within you about comics, Batman, and whatever else to Room 206, where Chris Sims and friends will answer you live.
If this ends up being anything like the ComicsAlliance staff meetings I anticipate good times, and if you have pressing inquiries for Caleb or myself you can certainly bring those as well. I cannot promise to know as much about Batman, but I will do my best. See you there!AOL COMICS ALLIANCE PRESENTS: Ask Chris
Room 206
Join Comics Alliance's Editor-In-Chief Laura Hudson (and Assistant Editor Caleb Goellner) in this panel featuring Chris Sims, noted Batmanologist and humorist and chrissimsist, as they bring one of Comics Alliance's most popular features to HeroesCon! Chris has an insanely encyclopedic mind for comics, and will accept all questions and answer at least some of them. For you!