DC Universe Online
DC Universe Online

Trigon and his seven-deadly-sinning spawn have officially begun tearing it up in the newly launched DC Universe Online DLC pack. Appropriately titled "Sons of Trigon," the new DLC sees heroic players team with Wonder Woman, the Teen Titans and magical characters like Zatanna and John Constantine in a nightmarish version of Gotham City to battle Circe, Trigon's kiddos and villainous players over the fate of reality. If the good guys win, Trigon stays banished. If Circe and company win, Trigon, his antlers and all four of his freaky demon eyes get to, I dunno, eat everyone in the DCU's children? I dunno. I'm sure they'd do something like that. The new DLC also includes the new healing-focused Celestial Power, Legends PvP characters Donna Troy and Cheetah, Brother Blood and Raven themed PvE gear, new feats and collections and other demon-y jazz. You can check out the new "Sons of Trigon" launch trailer and images after the jump.









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