Diamond Digital Shuttered, Purchases Remain Available On iVerse
Diamond Comic Distributors is calling it quits on its digital storefront program for brick-and-mortar retailers.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, an e-mail sent to retailers stated that "Diamond Digital has not gained enough traction in the marketplace to continue." The official shut-down date is the end of the month, Friday, Feb. 28.
Diamond started the program with iVerse in July 2011, hoping to help retailers seize on the iPad-fueled emergence of a viable digital comics market, but limited publisher participation -- The "Big Two" publishers Marvel and DC were notably absent -- led to a muted response. Not to mention that ComiXology, the seeming winner in the digital comics format war, had already launched a retailer storefront program the year before. By May of 2012 there were already signs of trouble for the effort, with Diamond laying off programmer Lev Schneider, Web Development Manager Jeff Dillon and Director of Digital Distribution Dave Bowen.
Diamond assured retailers that they would be paid in full for sales made through the program and that readers will still have access to their comics via the iVerse Comics Plus app, which is available on PC, Mac and mobile devices.
[Via Hollywood Reporter]