‘Flash’ Does Plan on Having Gorillas in Its ‘Gorilla City’ Trailer, Right?
The Flash will be sitting out Valentine’s Day not just for all its coupled viewers, but presumably the task of extended Grodd VFX in its two-part “Attack on Gorilla City” arc. As such, the extended trailer for next week’s return brings with it just a hair more Gorilla, and a dash of Indiana Jones.
Next Tuesday will kick off the event with “Attack on Gorilla City,” the extended trailer for which brings a better look at new Grodd than any previous spot, along with Julian (Tom Felton)’s apparent inability to resist pop culture references. Of course, we had to throw Planet of the Apes in there (a franchise Felton actually appeared in), along with some Indiana Jones-type expedition.
So reads the synopsis for “Attack on Gorilla City,” which precedes an “Attack on Central City” the following Tuesday:
When Jesse Quick (guest star Violett Beane) informs the team that her father (Tom Cavanagh) has been abducted, Barry (Grant Gustin), Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker), Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Julian (Tom Felton) voyage to Earth-2 on a rescue mission to save Harry from Gorilla City. As they trek through the forest, Barry and the team are immediately captured and brought to Grodd (voiced by David Sobolov). Grodd tells them he needs their help to stop Solovar (voiced by Keith David), the leader of Gorilla City, as Solovar wants to invade Earth-1. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Jesse and Kid Flash (Keiynan Lonsdale) hit the streets to stop a metahuman that can control gravity, with H.R. and Joe (Jesse L. Martin) guiding them from S.T.A.R Labs.
As we learned from Barry’s future vision, this war on the planet with the apes will have a hand in Iris’ fate, but can The Flash handle so much monkey business? Watch the trailer again above.
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