‘Ghostbusters’ Board Game Getting Kickstarter-Funded Sequel
Last year's Kickstarter campaign to fund Cryptozoic's Ghostbusters board game was one of the biggest crowdfunding successes in recent memory, racking up over 1.5 million dollars from backers hungry for tabletop Ghostbusting action. With numbers like that, it's no surprise that they'd want to follow it up, and today, Cryptozoic announced plans to do just that with Ghostbusters II, a sequel to the first game that's set to launch its own campaign in April.
While it's safe to assume that the game will follow the same scenario-based campaign style as its predecessor, it does raise one important question: Just what the heck do they have left to do?
The success of the original Ghostbusters game Kickstarter --- which I backed, and which resulted in a game that I've genuinely enjoyed playing --- meant that Cryptozoic went all out in providing extras for the first one. Not only does it feature the original movie Ghostbusters, but there's an entire roster of extra playable characters thrown in, too, including comic book originals Kyle Griffin, Melanie Ortiz and Ron Alexander, as well as the 2009 video game's Rookie and, of course, Janine Melnitz as a Ghostbuster.
It was pretty heavy on villains, too, bringing in characters from the movies and the Real Ghostbusters cartoon series. They even threw a Walter Peck figure in there for good measure! With all that in the first game, it'll be interesting to see what Cryptozoic managed to come up with for the second.
The obvious answer, though, is right there in the title. According to the press release, this game is drawing pretty heavily from its namesake, 1989's Ghostbusters II, with new mechanics involving Mood Slime. Since Vigo the Carpathian was one of the most notable absences from the original game's roster of bad guys --- or bad ghouls, I guess --- it makes sense to assume that he'll finally be making an appearance in this one.
Here's the official info:
The game features an original story by Ghostbusters comics writer Erik Burnham that has the Ghostbusters investigating mood slime that has flooded the city, creating earthquakes and riots in another attempt to bring Vigo and his minions back. In line with the story, the map tiles in the game depict buildings destroyed by earthquakes and fires, as well as collapsed streets that expose sewers infested with slime, tunnels with derailed subway cars, and ghost trains. The impressive new figures are based on designs by Ghostbusters comic book artist Dan Schoening.
The Kickstarter campaign for Ghostbusters II: The Board Game is set to launch in April.