In one of the best holiday-related puns I've seen this season, Marvel and HeroClix Online have wished us all "Seasons Grootings" with the revelation of new holiday-based content for the digital game. Players who log onto their existing HCO accounts (or who create new ones) by January 2 can access the gifted Guardian of the Galaxy known as Groot figure for free. There are even more gifts to be had, however, with special in-game objects including Groot decked out Christmas tree/Santa style, a regular Christmas tree, Santa and a snowman. The obstacle/attack objects can be used in matches and tournaments, along with the special Seasons Grootings Groot that gives users "one of the 44 standard powers at random" for a turn. Players seeking the "Seasons Grootings" Groot need only compete in a Marvel tournament to be awarded the object, while the other three can be accessed in the game, via the HCO forums or the HCO Facebook page. It's nice to have options when doing holiday shopping, right? You can check out all of the HeroClix Online holiday fare after the cut.

[Via Marvel]

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