NBC ‘Heroes Reborn’ Teaser: Chuck Versus The Northern Lights
As somebody regrettably reminded NBC they’d announced Heroes Reborn back in 2014, the rebirth of the once-mighty superhero drama continues powering up for its summer premiere. Enter the first trailer-teaser aired during the Super Bowl, as HRG takes on his most fearsome enemy yet: Chuck Bartowski!
The newest spot for NBC’s Heroes reboot doesn’t offer much more detail than the initial blank slate teaser did during the Sochi Olympics last year, though we do see a young child in the arctic (Korra?!) seemingly in control of the Aurora Borealis. The camera drops back to highlight our sole returning star in Jack Coleman’s Noah “HRG” Bennett, before pulling out even farther to find new series lead Zachary Levi’s mystery character observing the girl through binoculars.
What does it mean? Ideally nothing so inadvertently creepy as two grown men stalking a young girl through an isolated nighttime landscape, but who knows? Chuck Levi certainly doesn’t look too friendly by his expression.
Past series leads Zachary Quinto, Ali Larter and Milo Ventimiglia all previously shot down the possibility of returning to the ‘Heroes’ franchise, leaving Jack Coleman the only original cast member to sign on thus far. ‘Nashville’ star and ‘Heroes’ alum Hayden Panettiere had also previously been asked about ‘Heroes Reborn,’ though at the time she’d not yet been asked to reprise her role as immortal healing cheerleader (and Noah’s adopted daughter) Claire Bennett.
Well, what do you think? However cryptic, does the first ‘Heroes Reborn’ spot pique your interest for the NBC rebirth this summer? Watch the brief spot above, and give us your predictions in the comments!
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