Tasty New ‘Iron Fist: The Living Weapon’ Pages By Kaare Andrews
Back in January, Marvel announced that writer/artist Kaare Andrews would be returning to comics for a new Iron Fist ongoing series. Now, with Iron Fist: The Living Weapon set to debut in April, we're getting closer look at what we can expect to see from the new book.
It makes a lot of sense that Marvel would be looking to revive Iron Fist -- he's one of the characters set to star in a Netflix Original series, along with his longtime Heroes For Hire partner Luke Cage, after all -- and Andrews is an interesting choice. Best known for his work doing covers for Incredible Hulk,every "Ultimate Comics" series, and as the writer and artist of the extremely divisive Spider-Man Reign, Andrews is an artist with a knack for instantly compelling visuals that can shift between styles in a way that seems effortless, and that's exactly what he's bringing to the table here. Check out a few pages below, along with variant covers by Dale Keown, Mike del Mundo, and, my personal favorite, Skottie Young!
Honestly? You had me at "punching ninjas with magical fists." Iron Fist: The Living Weapon hits shelves next month.