Violence Takes To The Stars In ‘Khaal’ #1 From Louis And Secher [Preview]
Space opera gets bloodier than ever in Khaal, a new Titan Comics series from writer Stephane Louis and artist Valentin Sécher. It's set aboard a dying prison ship in the depths of outer space, which is far from a hopeful setting, and the title character is the leader of the humans onboard, a brutal cross between Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones and Kratos from God of War.
The idea of a war onboard a huge spacecraft is pretty interesting, as war stories go, and if you're looking for violent spectacle, this comic looks promising. Where Sécher's cover isn't particularly promising is in its presentation of roles for women in the story, but hopefully the comic itself does better.
Khaal #1, on sale January 11, also features variant covers by Marc Laming, Nick Percival, Adam Gorham, and Steve Kurth. Check out the covers and a preview below:
Here's the official word from Titan:
In a galaxy decimated by a brutal war, an ancient prison ship, called Empyreon, floats alone in the void.
Within its ancient walls a new battle rages, as the three races who inhabit the doomed ship vie for the resources that will ensure their survival. Peace is an impossibility as Khaal, the leader of the humans, is as bloodthirsty and ruthless as they come. As his enemies gather in the shadows, Khaal is thrust into the limelight as he fights for his life...