In what he agrees must be "the worst timing ever," cartoonist Jim Davis' latest Garfield strip dropped on Veterans Day. What's the big fat hairy deal? The punchline of the strip is the concept of a National Stupid Day, where squished spiders become heroes to remembered annually for generations. Whoops! Consequently, some readers complained in the comments section of Garfield's syndication site.

Naturally, Davis, whose brother served in Vietnam and whose son served in Iraq and Afghanistan, apologized profusely for the unfortunate circumstances.

In what has to be the worst timing ever, the strip that runs in today's paper seems to be making a statement about Veterans. It absolutely, positively has nothing to do with this important day of remembrance.

More from Davis, plus the offending Garfield strip, after the jump.

Regarding today's Garfield comic strip , it was written almost a year ago and I had no idea when writing it that it would appear today -- of all days. I do not use a calendar that lists holidays and other notable days so when this strip was put in the queue, I had no idea it would run on Veterans Day. What are the odds?

Davis promised that he will employ such a calendar in the future.

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