Link Ink: Batman’s ‘Arkham City’ Skins, ‘Angry Birds’ Deal With Holiday Stress and Tissue Box Power-Ups

Gaming: The full Batman skins pack for Batman: Arkham City is now available on PSN and XBL and includes 1970s Batman, Year One Batman, The Dark Knight Returns, Earth One Batman, Batman Beyond, Animated Batman and Sinestro Corps Batman. [Twitter]
Movies: Though The Adventures of Tintin hasn't opened, Indie Wire says the film's planned sequels are already moving forward. [The Daily Cartoonist]

Webcomics: The Angry Birds webcomic has been updated in time for the holidays, coinciding with the recent AB Seasons app levels update. [Robot 6]

Toys: New Marvel Universe variant Thor and Captain America figures have popped up at Family Dollar stores. [Marvelousnews]
Gaming: Gotham City Impostors gets another animated short teasing the 2012 shooter's fake Batman vs fake Joker gameplay. [CBR]

Decor: Tissue boxes can be beautiful with the right inspiration and the Kanojo blog's skills. [Neatorama]
Gaming: Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 players can now experience a glitch-enabled "Reverse World." [Kotaku]
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