Animation: Captain Planet and the Planeteers: Season One is coming to DVD via Shout Factory on April 19 (close to Earth Day, you know?). [Shout Factory]

TV: Nickelodeon is set to premiere the 19th Power Rangers series, Power Rangers Samurai on Monday, February 7. I will be there. [ComicsContinuum]

History: Brad Meltzer's new book The Inner Circle dropped yesterday and contains a cordial letter from former president George H.W. Bush to his successor Bill Clinton as he entered office in 1993. [fwix]

Threads: It's sale may be over at Ript, but "The Amazing Invincible Captain Wolvclopisher Man" by D4N13L is an ambitious mashup to be sure. [The Daily What]

Art: Christopher Jones' "Most Heinous" Bill and Ted/Doctor Who mashup poster is actually most excellent. [Blastr]

Crosssections: I'd kind of forgotten how awesome Project: PEGASUS' old base was until I saw this dope map retained by Marvel Appendix. [io9]

Sci-Fi: Didn't catch Han Solo frozen in carbonite during Firefly's run? Thankfully someone else did! [Geekfemme]

Books: If you'd like to delve deeper into Japan's cosplay mysteries, Edward and John Harrison's Fuzz & Fur looks like it could be a winner. [Super Punch]

Art: UDON's Mega Man Tribute art contest is starting to yield some pretty awesome pieces, like Daniel Kho's Zero, for example. [Kotaku]

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