Eats: The Infinite Yums' edible holiday take (no, not Life Day, fortunately) on Star Wars' Ewok Village and Death Star is pretty stellar. [Boing Boing]

Movies: Doctor Who maestro Steven Moffat's wisdom runs counter to rumors of a Hollywood Who movie. [Twitter]

Conventions: Registration for WonderCon 2012 is now open. [WonderCon]

Movies: If you're looking for a list of locations screening The Dark Knight Rises prologue, Blastr's got one. [Blastr]

Rentals: If you're like me and kind of skipped the Green Lantern movie this past summer, YouTube's got it up for rent for $0.99. [The Beat]

Gaming: Marvel Pinball is now mobile on iOS and Android devices. [Marvel]

Posters: Mondo's Cowboys & Aliens movie poster will pop up for sale tomorrow. It's potentially more exciting than the movie itself was. [Splash Page]

Video: Bryan Harley arms backyard critters Star Wars style in Jedi Squirrels. [Geekout]

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