Toys: Damian "Robin" Wayne has been added to MattyCollector's Club Infinite Earths 2014 subscrition lineup. My kingdom for an in-scale Bat-Cow! [MattyCollector]


Music: Hatsune Miku... in English??? [Crunchyroll]




Toys: Every Nintendo 64 should transform into a robot warrior... made out of LEGO. [Kotaku]



Art: Sean Phillips has been posting pieces of his that won't be in the Art of Sean Phillips book... meaning he's got set some seriously high standards for himself. [Robot6]


Papercraft: Regular Show's Mordecai is just a few folds away thanks to a printable papercraft pattern. [RS]


ihatekate, Etsy
ihatekate, Etsy

Art: Has adulthood resulted in an inadvertent Lisa Frank phase-out in your life? The FW has some ideas about how to correct that. [The FW]

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