Link Ink: Stephen Amell’s ‘Arrow’ Script Auctions, ‘The Walking Dead’ Game Set To Wrap Its Second Season And ‘Sandman’ Movie Update
Charity: Arrow star Stephen Amell is auctioning off his copies of nine episodes of the show to benefit a not-yet-named charity. [Geeks of Doom]
Movies: Actress Evangeline Lilly's Ant-Man haircut definitely has a Wasp-like vibe to it, doesn't it? [ScreenCrush]
Video Games: The trailer for the final episode of the second season of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead has a definite...finality to it. [ArcadeSushi]
Video: Here's Sin City as an 8-bit video game. It's pretty nicely put together. [CineFix]
Movies: Actor/writer Joseph Gordon-Levitt says the film adaptation of Sandman is coming along, but very slowly. [Badass Digest]
Video Games: The newest trailer for LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham explains why the heroes have to go...well, beyond Gotham. [YouTube]