Link Ink: Stephen Colbert’s Comic-Con Cosplay, Scotland’s New Superhero And Ryan Reynolds Talks ‘Deadpool’ Test Footage
Cosplay: Stephen Colbert was in full costume regalia at Comic-Con this year, trying to get his Prince Hawkcat movie series off the ground. [io9]
Movies: The Star Wars/Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice battle of online teasing continues apace with this joking reveal of the hidden Batmobile on the Millennium Falcon. [Badass Digest]
Mascots: In honor of its big referendum yesterday, Scotland has a brand new superhero mascot: Scotsman! [Robot6]
Television: Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) have a tete-a-tete in this clip from Fox's Gotham. [ScreenCrush]
Movies: Before news of a Deadpool movie became official Thursday, actor Ryan Reynolds said the Internet response to the test footage above was "awe-inspiring." []
Anime: A brand new series of Detective Opera Milky Holmes is set for release in Japan in January 2015. [AnimeNewsNetwork]