Link Ink: The Official NYCC 2014 Poster, The ‘LEGO Batman 3′ Cover Revealed And Superman’s Ice Bucket Challenge
Conventions: The official poster for New York Comic-Con features Batman art by Detective Comics' Francis Manapul. [DC Comics blog]
Television: The directors of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Joe and Anthony Russo, will return to TV to direct the season premiere of Community, which is now a Yahoo series. [IGN]
Toys: Howard the Duck is the latest Marvel character to get the Funko Pop treatment. This version has pants. [Topless Robot]
Video: Henry Cavill and Amy Adams took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on the set of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, in costume as Superman and Lois Lane. [ScreenCrush]
Television: As one might expect given the characters involved, Marvel's Netflix series will be "darker" than Marvel's movies have been, according to the head of Netflix. [/Film]
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