Marvel’s Iron Fist may have receded from the spotlight, but the final Defender series may never escape the controversial casting around it. Even star Jessica Henwick was uncertain of climbing aboard after Finn Jones joined the series, claiming “it was a hard decision...
Have you ever seen those movie ads on TV filled with gushing quotes from critics and thought to yourself, “I saw that movie; it was terrible. Where did they find these positive reviews?” If you have, you’re not alone — and you’re going to love ScreenCrush’s newest series, Critics Are Raving!, which balances the cinematic scales with trailers full of slightly more accurate (and slightly more negative) lines from reviews. Real critics. Real quotes. Really bad movies. That’s what’s Critics Are Raving! is all about.
What would you do if you mysterious notebook fell into your hands and gave you the power to kill anyone? Maybe you’d write the name of a high school enemy or a crappy ex in the notebook just for giggles, then realizing its murderous magic is for real, quickly toss it out the window and run away. But for Light Turner, he decides to use that notebook for all the power it gives him.
Anyone who partook of Netflix’s Iron Fist could recognize the series’ issues extend beyond casting, though we still wonder how things might have gone with a more culturally appropriate Danny Rand. That concern in particular hasn’t made inroads with the Marvel character’s co-creator, who shares a harsh response over “cultural appropriation and crap like that, which just makes me furious.”
Marvel superheroes across the TV-movie spectrum may not join forces anytime soon, but that isn’t stopping a few team-ups behind the camera. Case in point. a notable Iron Fist star has Doctor Strange himself to thank for the gig, as Benedict Cumberbatch put in a good word.