Link Ink: Top Shelf’s Online Sale, Capes On A Train And Blocky ‘Doctor Who’
Sales: Top Shelf is currently slinging some major savings across its line, with many TPBs priced as low as $3. [Top Shelf]
Technique: CO2 Comics takes a look at the Ames Lettering Guide, which should make everyone thankful for their Adobe creative suite of choice. [TCR]
Comic Strips: Using a superhero to make fun of politicians scored Wiley Miller's Sunday Non Sequitur strip more than 300,000 views on GoComics in one day, which is apparently more than 10 times a usual Sunday strip's traffic on the Andrews McMeel Universal site. [The Daily Cartoonist]
Video: If you never got a chance to see Michael Kupperman's contributions to Robert Smigel's TV Funhouse, now is your chance to catch the Pablo Picasso short. [Flog!]
Art: Dean Gorissen imagines the Justice League's train commute home after a busy day fighting crime. [Super Punch]