Art: Renowned mech designer Tsuyoshi Nonaka (Power Rangers, Ben 10 and Soul of Chogokin) has posted some fun Santa mechs the past two years. [Crunchyroll]


Toys: Natasha Allegri's PuppyCat from Bee and PuppyCat will soon be a bonafide plushie. [WeLoveFine]


Evil Dead 2 Hero Ash Mego Style

Toys: NECA will release a Mego style Evil Dead 2 Hero Ash figure in March. [NECA]


Gaming: Boss battles and more can be seen in the latest video promoting the western release of the Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z video game. [Namco Bandai Games Europe]

Greetings From Tahiti

TV: What's Tahiti got to do with the January 7th episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? [ScreenCrush]

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