Link Ink: Fantomah’s Figurine, Attack On Smash Bros, And LEGO Martian Manhunter
Statues: Golden Age Figurines' new statue of Fletcher Hanks's Fantomah, Mystery Woman of the Jungle, is finally available. [GAF]
Video: Super Smash Bros. meets Attack on Titan in this animated mashup by Amazing Artist Fellow. [AAF]
TV: This week's episode of Arrow will see Nyssa al Ghul demonstrate why she's the "Heir of the Demon." [ScreenCrush]
Toys: Martian Manhunter will get a LEGO minifigure in March. [TheBrickFan]
Industry: Mail Order Comics has filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy after almost 10 years in operation. [Robot6]
Batman Arkham Origins
Gaming: DLC for the Wii U version of Batman: Arkham Origins has officially been canceled. [Arcade Sushi]
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