Link Ink: Victoria’s Secret Evangelion Suit, ‘Avengers EMH’ Concludes And The Wobbly Dead

Fashion: Victoria's Secret must not-so-secretly love Neon Genesis Evangelion as evidenced by model Jordan Dunn's outfit from last week's VC fashion show in New York City, which clearly pays homage to Rei Ayanami's plugsuit. [ANN]
Movies: Mark Millar really seems to want X-Force, Cable and Deadpool to pop up in Fox's Marvel movies. [CBR]

Toys: Art Asylum and Diamond Select Toys have announced the winners of its AvX box set fan poll. Phoenix Buster Iron Man, the Scarlet Witch, Protector and Phoenix Five Leader Cyclops will arrive in TRU stores by the holiday season. [AA]

Charts: History Shots has produced a new chart detailing the history of film, which includes a number of comic book adaptations in both live action and animated formats. [Cartoon Brew]
Animation: The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes team thanks fans for their support over two seasons. [Marvel]
Video: The Variants has wrapped its third season up with episode 10, "Behind the Svenus." [TV]
Toys: Funko's upcoming The Walking Dead Wacky Wobbler bobble heads line will include Michonne, Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes and RV Walker. [Toy Ark]
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