
Apple Patents Tech That Turns Video Game Choices Into Comics
Apple Patents Tech That Turns Video Game Choices Into Comics
Apple Patents Tech That Turns Video Game Choices Into Comics
Ever finished a video game and then immediately wanted to read a comic about that game -- not just the one you bought, but the one you played, with all the choices you made? Way back in 2009, Apple developers apparently wanted the same thing, filing for a patent on a technology that would do just that...
Link Ink: ‘300: Rise of an Empire’ Stills, Andy Richter Walks Dead And ‘Iron Man IV’
Link Ink: ‘300: Rise of an Empire’ Stills, Andy Richter Walks Dead And ‘Iron Man IV’
Link Ink: ‘300: Rise of an Empire’ Stills, Andy Richter Walks Dead And ‘Iron Man IV’
Movies: The first stills from Zack Snyder's 300: Rise of an Empire are... shiny and full of ab. Gaming: Though Iron Man 3 probably won't be getting a current generation console tie-in video game, a new Grand Theft Auto IV Liberty City mod dubbed "Iron Man IV" may help tide over fans...
‘The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct’ Launch Trailer Debuts [Video]
‘The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct’ Launch Trailer Debuts [Video]
‘The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct’ Launch Trailer Debuts [Video]
It doesn't quite have the same ring to it as "Super Dixon Bros." to me, but starting today, Activision's The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct first-person-shooter will indeed supply players with a video game adventure following Daryl and his brother Merle as they journey from Georgia to Atlanta, complete with all the requisite zombie slaying/surviving antics...

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