The trailer for Chicken with Plums, the second collaboration between cartoonist (and Persepolis creator) Marjane Satrapi and co-direct Vincent Paronnaud, has made it online, and it looks amazing. Check it out past the jump.

Chicken With Plums is adapted from Satrapi's 2004 graphic novel Poulet aux Prunes (released in America the following year by Pantheon), telling the story of the last week in the life of Nasser Ali Khan, a relative of Satrapi's who was considered the most celebrated violin player in 1950s Tehran. Unlike Satrapi's earlier collaboration with Paronnaud, 2007's Persepolis, Chicken opts for a live-action adaptation, with Mathieu Amalric taking the lead role.

The movie, which has already received positive reviews from critics and appeared in film festivals across the world, will be released in the US by Sony Pictures Classics on August 17.

[Via The Beat]

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