You Know You Want It: Robin Thicke’s ‘Blurred Lines’ Redeemed In Cosplay Tribute By Adam WarRock & Chris Haley
While singer Robin Thicke set his pop hit to a highly dubious music video, sued the family of his stated inspiration Marvin Gaye for agreeing that it does indeed sound like Marvin Gaye, declared it a "feminist movement within itself" and continues to do god knows what else to crush the stupid thing into the ground, nerdcore musician Adam WarRock teamed up with cartoonist (and frequent ComicsAlliance contributor) Chris Haley to rescue "Blurred Lines" from Thicke's icky grasp and redeem it as a truly affectionate tribute to the world of convention cosplay. Enjoy "Nerrd Lines."
WarRock described the inspiration for the track on his website:
In this weird nerd world that we live in, it’s kind of funny how many professional cosplayers we know, or people who are sort of web-renowned for their cosplay abilities. It’s the kind of thing that I think gets derision from a lot of people who aren’t self identified nerdy types; but the more that I’ve been to cons and seen people really happy, enthusiastic, just expressing themselves in support of whatever they are dressed as; it’s kind of a beautiful thing, right? I was waiting for a ride to the airport from Otakon, standing there with my boxes and bags tired and beaten up, and I saw a mom drop off 3 little kids dressed up as anime characters, and the mom got out of the car and helped adjust their costumes before they ran to the line to get into Otakon. It was a pretty great moment, and it made me thankful to be in the genre or realm or whatever you call it that I’m in. Nerds rule.
Sample lyrics:
In these nerd lines
you know you got it
And so you flaunt it
you're at the con and
in that costume
Think she looks fantastic
Spandex and plastic
Wanna take your picture,
When you're in the get up
Treat you with respect
cuz a creep'll get a fist to the face
You blew my mind off
Take a pic with psylocke
What rhymes with psylocke?
Ok now they might judge, think it's all fun and games
But you're so proud and nerdy, and I think it's a shame
That some they can't accept it
you do and I respect it
If I forgot to mention
Hey Dr. Girlfriend..
And some more:
Oh, this for the cosplayers,
For the jean greyers that I saw later
This one goes out to all the Homestuck trolls
I don't read Homestuck, but do your thing, yo
I just want everyone to express themselves
whether you're dressing like you're the belle of the ball, I mean y'all
With hair to the ceiling bright pink I mean
I just love to see you doing your thing
I'm kinda new on the scene, but you're pursuing a dream
I'd never ruin it, yes I'm fully supporting every stitch and a seam
Get lost in your eyes, every time, in fact
But I man I gotta ask, girl, is that a colored contact
Just shake your cape
Get up
Get down
Like you're in that skirt
That S on your shirt
Like you're not from Earth
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