New ‘Captain America: Super Soldier’ Game Images and Video

Given the usually justified stigma attached to video games adapted from movies and other licensed properties, we were pleasantly surprised by SEGA's trailer for Captain America: Super Soldier, the forthcoming game based on Captain America: The First Avenger. A new batch of videos and screenshots has given us more cause for optimism, demonstrating some Arkham-style violence and some cool shield-tossing action. Additionally, it's been confirmed that The First Avenger star Chris Evans will be voicing his character in SEGA's video game version.Released this week to IGN, the demo videos show Captain America infiltrating a HYDRA base and defending himself with some pretty decent moves, including some random slow-motion punches and kicks that would make Zack Snyder proud. Of course, the real treat is to see the shield bounce all over the environment and off the heads of your evil enemies.
The new still images give us a closer look at the rendering of the game's Captain America model, so be sure to click for bigger versions.
[Via IGN]
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