I'll admit that I'm not as familiar with European comics artists as I'd like to be. I mean, I've read my share of Tintin, I think Blacksad's great and I've seen my share of stuff by Moebius, but it's not the sort of thing I usually actively seek out, and I really should. Because if I did, I probably would've found out about Nicolas Bannister a lot sooner.

Bannister, a French artist and illustrator, has been doing amazing stuff for the past few years, with a friendly, cartoony style that's appealing on every level. Check out some of my favorites from his online portfolio, including his take on the cast of Harry Potter, below!


Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/
Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/


Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/
Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/


Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/
Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/


Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/
Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/


Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/
Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/


Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/
Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/


Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/
Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/


Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/
Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/


Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/
Art by Nicolas Bannister, http://bannman.livejournal.com/


For more, check out Bannister on Livejournal!


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