Odin Looks Pretty Rough in New ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Set Photos
Set photos — both official and otherwise — from the set of Thor: Ragnarok continue to hit the internet, and the latest batch feature the return of another familiar face, though he’s not looking quite how you remember him. With most of Ragnarok taking place in Asgard and its various unearthly realms, it’s kind of surprising to see Anthony Hopkins in costume on the streets of New York City, looking like he’s in need of some spare change. (And a change of clothes. And a shower.)
Last we saw of Hopkins, the powerful Odin had been displaced by Tom Hiddleston’s Loki, who worked a little glamor magic at the end of The Dark World to take his adoptive father’s place on the throne of Asgard. Since then we’ve wondered: If Loki’s on the throne pretending to be his dad, then where does that leave the real Odin? These new set pics offer an answer:
Coming Soon has the rest of the images, which show Odin in his new earthly (and earthy) duds. It seems like he may be either hiding or living in exile on Earth, where he appears to be disguised as a homeless man — or a really big fan of The Grateful Dead.
We’ve known for some time that very little of Ragnarok will take place on Earth (which explains the absence of characters like Jane Foster and Dr. Selvig), and it looks as though we now know what — or who — will bring Thor & Co. to the realm of man.
Taika Waititi is directing the upcoming sequel, which also features the return of Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Tom Hiddleston as Loki and Idris Elba as Heimdall. Joining them are Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk, Cate Blanchett as the villainous Hela, Tessa Thompson as the warrior Valkyrie, Jeff Goldblum as The Grandmaster and Karl Urban as Skurge.
Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters on November 3, 2017.
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