Star Wars is many things to many people, but mostly it is loved. Like, super loved. Disney loves it so much it bought Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion last week and today's release of Angry Birds Star Wars which will probably make around that much by... well... noon? As much as I dig Star Wars, though, there's something I love far more: pugs. Fortunately, Star Wars Chick Kristen Andrews proved that these interests don't have to compete awhile back with her wonderful "Wampug" videos, which saw her pug Chubbs cosplay as a disarmingly dope Wampa. Now Chubbs is back dressed as a Bantha in another adorable video as Banthapug, complete with a Tusken Raider passenger. Don't worry, he doesn't pop out any Banthapug fodder. Behold the wonderment after the jump.

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