Parting Shot: Patton Oswalt’s Star Wars/Avengers Rant In Film Poster Form
Following Patton Oswalt's fully improvised filibuster/rant on Parks and Recreation -- in which he spent nearly eight minutes sharing his pitch for a Star Wars/Marvel film crossover in the next installment in the Star Wars film franchise -- the folks at Entertainment Weekly have created a mash-up poster of all of his suggestions. All of this, of course, means we are now one step closer to this film being made. I mean, Disney once made a movie based on a theme park ride, so really anything can happen.
The best thing about this, other than the fact that it's based on George Pérez's cover for Infinity Gauntlet #1:
Is the inclusion at the top of the quote from Parks and Rec's Leslie Knope, making the fact that there is not a single female character included on the poster basically perfect.
[Via Entertainment Weekly]