Enjoy These ‘300’ Facts Now, For Tonight We Dine in Hell
Enjoy These ‘300’ Facts Now, For Tonight We Dine in Hell
Enjoy These ‘300’ Facts Now, For Tonight We Dine in Hell
If you’ve seen 300, then you’re very familiar with the Spartan soldiers’ costumes: A helmet, a cape, a shield, and not a whole lot else. Among those Spartans, only one, Gerard Butler’s King Leonidas, has a helmet with a plume on it. Did you know that the real historical Spartans all had plumes on their helmets? Director Zack Snyder decided to change that detail in order to make Leonidas stand out, and easier to identify in the midst of the film’s battle scenes. That’s just one of the facts featured in the newest episode of You Think You Know Movies!
Zack Snyder Has More ‘300’ Sequel Ideas
Zack Snyder Has More ‘300’ Sequel Ideas
Zack Snyder Has More ‘300’ Sequel Ideas
The movie 300, based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller, cemented Zack Snyder’s aesthetic and visual style, and although he’s moved on to other projects (like a little movie called Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice), the director hasn’t let go of the action epic that helped put him on the map. A few weeks ago, Snyder talked about possibly making a George Washington / Revolutionary War movie in the style of 300, but it looks like he has a few other potential applications for that particular concept.
100 Spectacular Comic Book Movie Behind the Scenes Pictures
100 Spectacular Comic Book Movie Behind the Scenes Pictures
100 Spectacular Comic Book Movie Behind the Scenes Pictures
The comic book movie craze may have exploded in recent years, but there have been movies and TV shows based on our favorite comics for decades. For all the action we see on screen, however, we hardly ever get to see behind the curtain at how it all comes together. Fortunately, we've managed to uncover dozens of behind the scenes images from your favorite comic-inspired movies. From The Dark Knight to Dredd, and Conan to Kick-Ass, we now have a little bit of an idea of what life was like on set during the creation of these beloved adaptations.
Tomar Hanuka Movie Poster Art
Tomar Hanuka Movie Poster Art
Tomar Hanuka Movie Poster Art
It doesn't come up too often around here since we tend to focus on sequential art, but I love movie posters. Love 'em. As long as there's not five lines of sans-serif text superimposed over someone's face, or some weird CGI animal and/or former SNL cast member making a weird smirk, I could look at those things all day -- and the best often come from artists inspired by their favorite movies to cre
Frank Miller's '300' Comic Sequel 'Xerxes' Will Debut Some Time After '300: Rise Of An Empire' Movie
Frank Miller's '300' Comic Sequel 'Xerxes' Will Debut Some Time After '300: Rise Of An Empire' Movie
Frank Miller's '300' Comic Sequel 'Xerxes' Will Debut Some Time After '300: Rise Of An Empire' Movie
Frank Miller apparently hasn't completed his sequel to the comic series 300, Xerxes, over the course of nearly three years. This pace means the movie version of the story, titled 300: Rise of an Empire, will almost certainly be out well ahead of the book when it arrives in theaters on March 7. ICv2 reports that Miller has finished two issues of the five-issue series. That's how far along he was wh
'300: Rise Of An Empire' Gets A New Trailer; Still No 'Xerxes' Graphic Novel Release Date
'300: Rise Of An Empire' Gets A New Trailer; Still No 'Xerxes' Graphic Novel Release Date
'300: Rise Of An Empire' Gets A New Trailer; Still No 'Xerxes' Graphic Novel Release Date
In the 7+ years since 300 hit theaters, hints at a potential sequel, both to the movie and its inspiration, Frank Miller's 1998 comic series, have been coming at a trickle. A new trailer has confirmed that a movie sequel titled 300: Rise of an Empire will be coming out next March, and it'll be based on Miller's graphic novel sequel, of which fans saw a preview back in Dark Horse Presents back in 2

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