Ask Chris #293: Batman's Death Race To Oblivion!
Q: How would Batman fare in the world of Wacky Races? -- @sprucetonberry
A: I'm going to go go ahead and guess that this question was inspired by this week's release of DC's new Wacky Raceland comic, in which the classic road race cartoon was reimagined for the grim darkness of a post-apocalyptic future. With that being the case, I have to admit that the comic was a little disappointing for me. As much as I love that premise and the idea of going super over-the-top with it --- and as much as there were scenes in there that captured exactly what I want out of a story like that --- the whole thing left me a little cold.
But like most things in this fallen world of ours, I'm pretty sure it could be improved with the addition of Batman.