This coming summer, Marvel is debuting its arena stage show, Marvel Universe Live!, and now we can see some of the prominent heroines, and one villainess, who will be taking the stage.
It's only Wednesday, but it's probably safe to go ahead and proclaim it Wolverine Week. Following the release of a teaser trailer and a bunch of posters for The Wolverine was released, 20th Century Fox has premiered both the domestic and international trailers for the upcoming film...
Leading up to the July 19 release of its Captain America: The First Avenger videogame tie-in, Captain America: Super Soldier, Sega's introducing fans to key villains they'll face in battle via development dossiers and mug shot profiles. Cap will throw down with a variety of foes on his journey in, around and through a HYDRA castle fortress, meaning mondo familiar (and totally evil) faces will be p