TV: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will officially debut on ABC on September 24.
Movies: Superior Spider-Man -- or at least his costume -- will be joining the Marvel Heroes MMO in the near future.
Humor: A lot of fans have opinions about how Man of Steel shouldn't have ended, but how should it have ended? There is a ca...
The day many gamers have been waiting for since 2011 is finally here as Gazillion's free-to-play Marvel Heroes MMO helmed by David Brevik and written by Brian Michael Bendis launches worldwide. CA's had a chance to play early versions of the game a few times over the past year or so, with both Andy Yen and Chris Simsresponding positively to its beat-em-up qualities and diversity between playable characters, but today the title introduces fans to its opening cinematic, which explores a little more of the game's sprawling plot. The verdict? Uatu the Watcher seems pretty stressed out about what's about to go down.
Video: The Pet Collective imagines "Teenage Average Normal Turtles" in its new live action parody vid.
Gaming: What's up with this crazy new Pokemon X/Y Mewtwo-lookin' dude?
Toys: The upcoming Iron Man 3 Marvel Select Iron man Mark 42 and War Machine action figures are going to look a little something like this...