Upcoming: AdHouse will be printing Boulet's beloved 24-Hour Comic, Darkness, in April. Gaming: Activision has released its full extras info for The Amazing Spider-Man Ultimate Edition for the Wii U, which arrives on March 5.
Toys: 16Bit has a new gallery of the Four Horsemen's Power Lord action figure prototypes...
Anime: Alex Small-Butera covers the Neon Genesis Evangelion theme, "Cruel Angel's Thesis," using bike horns.
Manga: Dragon Ball Z is getting three full-color volumes starting on February 4th, 2013 in Japan... no word on whether they'll pop up in North America anytime soon...
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Holidays: It's Christmas for the folks who observe it. We're taking the day off, so enjoy however you spend the holidays!
Gaming: Deadpool wishes you a very merry... something or other... while fans wait for High Moon's upcoming video game...