Chris Pratt and Chris Evans have gone to war. The second and third most handsome Marvel movie Chrisses (or third and second, maybe) have launched a Twitter feud over this coming weekend's Super Bowl between Pratt's team, the Seattle Seahawks, and Evans' team, the New England Patriots. Evans has now promised that if his team loses on Sunday, he'll visit the Seattle Children's Hospital in his Captain America costume, waving a Seahawks flag. But if Pratt's team loses, Pratt agrees he will visit the Christopher's Haven home for children with cancer in Boston, wearing his Star-Lord costume and a Tom Brady Patriots jersey.
The stakes are high. And adorable. And only fate, and maybe sport, can decide the outcome of this bet. But we wanted to give ComicsAlliance readers a chance to weigh in on the Pratt/Evans handsome-face-off, so all this week we're running a series of polls pitting the world of Captain America against the world of Star-Lord. At the end of the week we'll tally up the results to see which of these men is the people's champion. Welcome to The Superpoll.
Did you just see the Iron Man 3 Super Bowl commercial and want to watch it again and again? Did you miss it while running for a bathroom break and need to see it for the first time? Are you skipping the game to protest ungodly concussion rates and need to see it for the first time...
Movies: Director Bryan Singer took to Twitter to tease some set models from the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past movie(s).
	Toys: MTV has a first look at Playmates' upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classics Rocksteady and Bebop figures...
This weekend, we finally got a look at the DC Nation project that I've been most excited about, Lauren Faust's Super Best Friends Forever. In the debut short, Faust -- whose previous credits include Powerpuff Girls, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- brings about as much charm and cuteness as it's possible to cram into 76 seconds, and the end result is
The Super Bowl may be over, but Vince Aparo has imagined a very different Giants vs. Patriots team-up, and one that somewhat tragically predicted the Patriots' ability to handle the football.
Following a group chat with fans this afternoon, Marvel has released a 10-second preview of its Super Bowl XLVI commercial for The Avengers movie, scheduled to air this Sunday, February 5 on NBC. It may just be a commercial for a commercial, but it gives fans a very brief view of Loki's army (I...
From Cinematical:
Its a long-standing Marvel tradition that when two superheroes meet up, they've gotta fight. Usually it's due to some kind of misunderstanding, then the two make peace and go on their merry way as teammates against whatever looming threat has brought them to the same place at the same time...
There are many reasons why conventionally athletic and competitive super heroes might latch onto the Super Bowl (or in Marvel's more neutral words, "The Big Game"), but the latest episode of Marvel Super Heroes: What The--?! capitalizes on the cultural event's ability to bring the tights crowd together in a spirit of harmony...