I make fun of Jim Balent's comics on a pretty regular basis (in fact, I tend to do it on the same bimonthly schedule that the book comes out), but don't get the wrong idea: I never want that guy to stop making comics. There is a certain kind of beautiful insanity to it that was perfectly captured in the solicitation for July's "Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose" #63, where Balent proved his dedication to his particular brand of madness by drawing a sexy lady body...

...and then straight up slapped Courage Wolf's (NSFW) head on it:

Pretty amazing.

But it got me to thinking, if turnabout's fair play, then what would happen if you did the opposite? Instead of putting Courage Wolf in Tarot... why not put Tarot onto Courage Wolf? That was today's experiment, and each image below contains a piece of actual dialogue chosen from "Tarot." And the results... are magickal.

And of course...

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