The Walking Dead: Michonne’s Finale Trailer Ponders What We Deserve
The Walking Dead: Michonne might be Telltale Games' darkest story yet, and that's saying something. I mean, both seasons of The Walking Dead weren't exactly easy on the heart and mind, but the Michonne mini-series in particular has wrangled with some deeply troubling issues for its main character. On top of her past personal traumas, Michonne's had to deal with a lot of unfortunate events in the present, making this brief adventure incredibly tense.
It hasn't been without its faults, but the second chapter's marked improvement over the introductory episode gives us hope next week's finale will deliver a satisfying conclusion. This latest trailer for chapter three, "What We Deserve" sure doesn't make it look like kind of resolution will come easy though. The hard way it is then.
Michonne's life has not been any easy one, which is easy enough to say of anyone who has survived in the world of The Walking Dead. Unlike so many of the other characters we've encountered in the pages of the comic, Michonne hasn't had anyone to shoulder the burden of grief or to unload on in these troubling times. There have been some she's allowed to get close, but to this day she's one of the most guarded protagonists in The Walking Dead. Telltale's pulled down the walls ever so slightly, and allowed us a glimpse into just how she's fallen so far into despair, but we already know she'll never be truly open.
Learning more about her past has just been one element of her video game mini-series, with the other being keeping her alive during her little escapade down the coast. It's been a challenge as Michonne not only makes it easy to butt heads with the opposition, but her frequent dips into hallucination make it difficult for her to keep it together. Not that she was ever the bastion of cohesive thought before, but now we at least understand why her mind wanders so much. It's caused a bit more grief than she likely would have intended.
The trailer presents a particular series of events from a particular perspective, which may not be one those of you playing the game might encounter. Such is the way of Telltale games. About the only thing you can count on in this world is death and zombies, and sometimes not in that order.
The Walking Dead: Michonne, Episode 3 - "What We Deserve" will be available on all compatible platforms April 26.