This week on War Rocket Ajax, we lace up our boots for a visit from webcomic creator Kyle Starks! Kyle is the creator of The Legend of Ricky Thunder, Adventure Wizard and Punch Captain, as well as some short stories we've run right here on ComicsAlliance, and on our podcast, we get to discuss what he's planning for his new Kickstarter and his love of pro wrestling -- and you can listen to the whole thing right here on ComicsAlliance!War Rocket Ajax #143: The Kingdom of No Bathrooms with Kyle Starks

(WARNING: Contains NSFW language)

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In this week's show, things get even nerdier than usual as Chris launches his new roleplaying game campaign, but Matt balances things out a little by being deep in the world of baccarat and sexism in the classic Ian Fleming James Bond novels.

Once Kyle joins us, the talk turns to what Ricky Thunder is really about:

At its heart, it's about not giving up, which I think we can all get behind, man. But if I was going to pitch it, I'd say that a pro wrestler is told that wrestling is fake, and from then on, he has to deal with the repercussions. Yeah, it is fake, but he never knew it until that point, so everything is predicated on this guy living this false reality that falls upon him.

I feel like it has a twist ending. Halfway through, it becomes something different, and I kind of don't want to give it away, but he essentially saves the Earth from invading aliens.

Plus, find out more about Kyle's Kickstarer and the rewards you can get in this week's episode!

Show Notes:

Read Kyle's comics and find out about his kickstarter at, and follow him on Twitter @Starr226!

Read Kyle's Wild Dog and Frankenstein comics here at CA!

The Dusty Rhodes watercolor that Kyle gave to Chris:

Chris's Rec:

Matt's Rec: Queen of Versailles

Comics Reviewed:

New Avengers #2: "I love that the Avengers are faced with a very Jonathan Hickmany problem, by which I mean a problem that can best be explained in infographic form."

Batman #16: "Guys, if you can show a crazy torture scene, you can probably say 'ass.' That makes sense, right?"

Black Beetle #1: "This is basically a 1940s radio drama made into a comic. It's got such an amazing, authentic pulpy feel to it, and on top of that, the art is f**king gorgeous."

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