Wentworth Miller Splitting ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ Season 2 and ‘Flash’ Season 3
The Flash fans were certainly sorry to see Wentworth MIller’s Leonard Snart called away to Legends of Tomorrow, but after Thursday’s climactic “Destiny,” there’s surprising news in store. Miller won’t stick with Legends of Tomorrow as a Season 2 regular, but rather split time between it and The Flash Season 3 as a Warner Bros. TV regular.
You’re warned of full spoilers through the most recent Legends of Tomorrow outing, but those who questioned Leonard Snart’s apparent “death” by destruction of the Vanishing Point were right to do so, as Deadline breaks word of the actor’s new multi-series contract. The Prison Break star was apparently always intended for a temporary Legends of Tomorrow role, now set to divide time between Season 2 and a Flash return:
Says executive producer Greg Berlanti:
We always knew that he wouldn’t be a permanent member of The Waverider. We also knew we loved him on the show and all the shows, Flash as well … [Miller] won’t be part of the team of Legends on board of The Waverider next year, he will have a very active role on the show.
Miller’s new deal is noted as “the first contract not applicable to just one show,” something Berlanti hopes eventually to extend to other characters as well. There are plenty of changes in store for Legends Season 2, but is Miller better served going back and forth?
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