You Know Comics Have Come a Long Way…
I couldn't help but smile, as I was reading my USA Today (in bed of all places), to find TV critic Robert Blanco blaming Comic-Con International: San Diego attendees for bad TV. Take, for example, Blanco's take on Wednesday night's Bionic Woman redux that drew almost as many viewers as the Grey's Anatomy spinoff, Private Practice, by the way:
"None of this means the show won't draw a crowd, at least initially. The ads are terrific (far better than the show they're promoting), and there is a fan base that likes its fantasies somber and its heroines pouty. Which may be why Bionic plays like it was created, not so much to run on TV, but to provide panels for comic book conventions." OUCH!!!
Some of us at the Comics Alliance corral feel far differently about the results of mixing superheroes and TV at comics/pop culture conventions, however.
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