The Robots Go Giant-Sized In ‘Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire’ #3 [Preview]
Atomic Robo has always had a tendency to throw down with pretty massive threats. Even back in the very first story arc, he was already dealing with giant ants and having to figure out new and exciting ways to make them explode. Now, though, there's a massive, self-replicating monster threatening the world, and it seems like the only way to deal with it is to nuke it so hard that it would literally destroy the rest of the planet along with it. That's the bad news.
The worse news is that Robo no longer has his backup, his company of action scientists, or even his body, having lost all of those two years ago when a conspiracy took it all away and left him in the wind. But next week, as Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener's Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire enters its third issue, things might just be looking up. Check out a preview below!
And here's IDW's official solicitation:
Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire #3 (of 5)
Brian Clevenger (w) • Scott Wegener (a & c)
At this point you're reading this new Atomic Robo adventure or you're not. If you are. good news—we now feature GIANT robots.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Giant Monsters vs. Giant Robots - AW YEAH!
And hey, if you're not familiar with the book and you want to catch up with Robo's adventures that have led him to this point, don't forget that the first ten volumes of the series are all available to read online for free at