DC Announces Digital-First ‘Adventures of Supergirl’ Series
DC Comics has announced Adventures of Supergirl, a Digital First comic set in the Supergirl TV series continuity. Sterling Gates will pen the new title, and Bengal provides art for the first three chapters. He'll be followed by a rotating roster of artists, including Jonboy Meyers, Emanuela Lupacchino, and Emma Vieceli.
The book debuts January 25, 2016, and is scheduled to run for 13 chapters, which will be collected in a full-length graphic novel. There are no plans to print the series in single issue format, as has been the case with previous Digital First books.
A direct tie-in to TV's Supergirl is a great idea, but it's noticeable that there's still no reboot of the DC Universe version of Supergirl to build on the CBS show's popularity.
It's also notable that this comic comes from DC's digital office, rather than the Superman office. According to writer Alex de Campi, the Superman Office is not widely viewed as a welcoming environment for female creators, or a fertile ground for series about female heroes. De Campi suggests this is the reason for the mediocrity of the current mainline Wonder Woman comic (as Wonder Woman falls within the Superman office, for some reason). As much as audiences would clearly love to see Supergirl in a new print comic set in the DC Universe, we may have to wait for a major editorial shake-up before such a thing is possible, or even a good idea.
In the meantime, we have a great TV show, and now a comic to go with it.
Via IGN.
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