The 25 Coolest DC Movie Easter Eggs
We’re a little over four months from the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which will launch a whole new world of films into our lives: the DC Cinematic Universe. Spinning out of the events of 2013’s Man of Steel, it will pit Henry Cavill’s Superman against Ben Affleck’s Batman, and put both characters on the path toward a massive two-part movie about DC’s heavy-hitting super-team, the Justice League of America, which will also feature the exploits of Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), the Flash (Ezra Miller), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher), and more.
Although DC dominated Marvel in the world of movies for years, they never quite matched Marvel’s current knack for layering its movies with Easter eggs; nods to existing elements of the companies’ comic-book histories and teases for characters and events to come. Even though most DC movies were produced and released by Warner Bros., they rarely acknowledged each other, or made attempts to suggest that each of the publisher’s various characters existed in a shared universe — at least until Man of Steel. Director Zack Snyder added tons of clues about Superman’s future to that reboot, and if the trailers are any indication, that’s something he’s going to continue in Batman v Superman.
In anticipation of this momentous event in comic-book movie history the staff of ScreenCrush rounded up the 25 coolest DC movie Easter eggs to date, starting with Richard Donner’s Superman in 1978 and going all the way up and through the latest round of Dawn of Justice teasers. Through various incarnations of Batman, Catwoman, and even a terrible, terrible Green Lantern movie, these are the best DC references — for now.
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