‘DC Universe Online’ Balances Good and Evil in New E3 Trailer
When it comes to regularly engaging its fans, Sony's done a pretty thorough job of steadily promoting the November launch of its superheroic MMORPG "DC Universe Online" with video snippets at its official Web site and Q&A sessions on Facebook. This week for E3, however, the publisher has taken the next step with an official trailer demonstrating the game's overall premise plus showing off new environments, sound effects and gameplay.

The new trailer, which popped up yesterday afternoon at the official Playstation blog, reinforced a lot of what fans who've been following coverage already know: players can customize their own hero or villain and battle through scads of DC Comics campaigns. What's new is the possibly trailer-specific (but perhaps entirely playable) scenario depicting a kind of JLA vs. Injustice Gang confrontation in the middle of a sprawling city.
See what you think of the official E3 trailer for DCUO after the jump.
[Via Robot6]
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