Bernard Chang To Give Away Every ‘Demon Knights’ #16 Page In Fan Promotion
Earlier in the day, Demon Knights artist Bernard Chang took to Twitter to announce that he's pretty excited about this week's issue #16, the debut issue of new writer Robert Venditti. Chang is so excited, in fact, that he's come up with a unique way to get readers involved in promoting it: he'll be giving away all 20 pages to fans who help he and Venditti promote the book by giving copies to friends who have yet to give the series a chance.The details are simple: Chang is asking fans to buy six copies of the book, one to keep for themselves and five to give to friends or other customers at your local comic shop who otherwise aren't reading Demon Knights. Tweet a picture of yourself holding all six copies (as Chang illustrates here), then take another picture of you with your receipt and email Chang privately, and he'll call your store to verify the purchase.
The first 20 fans to do this, starting at 9 a.m. PST/ 12 p.m. EST, will get one page of art from Demon Knights #16 signed by Chang, which he'll mail to you personally.
All things considered, that's not a bad way to show you have faith in a comic.
Demon Knights #16 is on sale tomorrow, January 16th.