We've seen our fair share of statues honoring Fletcher Hanks' highly bizarre alien crimefighter Stardust The Super Wizard since the character entered the public domain some years ago, but Fresh Monkey Fiction will finally give the hero -- and five other pulp classics -- at least five points of 4.5" tall action figure articulation in 2015.

Fresh Monkey Fiction has announced its Amazing Heroes action figure line, which will include Stardust, Richard E. Hughes and Don Gabrielson's The Black Terror, Captain Action, and Jack Binder's Daredevil. All four of those toys are currently listed for preorder on Bigbadtoystore with an estimated release date of January. Two yet-to-be-announced mystery figures will also join the line as part of a Kickstarter that FMF has planned in July. The remaining two characters are currently being teased with silhouettes and generic names "Hero of the Red Planet" (maybe John Carter?) and "Enhanced Superhero" (maybe Doc Savage?).

Individual figures are going for $19.99, with a set of the four non-Kickstarter figures going for $69.99. Provided fans want to wait for the Kickstarter to launch, FMF offered the following advice on its Facebook page, "Going the Kickstarter route is the preferred way to get Amazing Heroes as there will be Kickstarter exclusive figures, as well as some amazing stretch goals that will allow you to get more for your dollar."

You can see four of the upcoming Amazing Heroes action figures from Fresh Monkey Fiction below.


Amazing Heroes Stardust action figure
Amazing Heroes Daredevil action figure
Amazing Heroes Captain Action action figure
Amazing Heroes The Black Terror action figure


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