Here’s The Thing, Episode 14: Why Is Destro So Great?
If our weekly Ask Chris column isn't enough of definitive comic book (and pro wrestling) opinions for you, good news: ComicsAlliance is proud to present Here's The Thing, a series of videos where you can join our own extremely opinionated senior writer, Chris Sims, as he dives into comics history to explain why you're wrong and he's right.
This week, a reader wants to know why Chris, who is often so opposed to romanticizing villains, loves Destro so much. What is it about an arms dealer who supplies a terrorist organization bent on world domination that makes him different from other villains -- and makes him so easy for us to identify with?
Show Notes:
- The Cthulhu Monster that lives in Destro's basement is explained here.
- Chris and Bethany Fong previously critiqued Destro's fashion sense.
- If you want to learn more about the Destro of the comics, start here!
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